New Birding & Rock Hunting Kits

Our Library of Things collection for CAPL cardholders continues to expand. We’ve added a Birding Backpack Kit and a Rock Hunting Kit for outdoor lovers in our community.

The Birding Backpack Kit includes three pairs of binoculars (a pair for adults and two pairs for children), identification books, a bird song book that has audio clips of over 100 birds, and a journal to record your sightings– please feel free to write in it so other birdwatchers can read what has been spotted in the area. The backpack is available for one-week checkout to CAPL cardholders and one renewal is available if there are no pending holds.

The Rock Hunting Kit includes a rock hammer, three chisels, a pair of goggles, a compass, two pairs of gloves, a jewelers loupe, a wooden chisel, a cleaning brush, two books about rock collecting and prospecting. The backpack is available for one-week checkout to CAPL cardholders and one renewal is available if there are no pending holds.

Photo collage of two photos. The photo on the left shows the contents of the bird watching kit laid out on a table top. The photo on the right shows the contents of the rock hunting kit laid out on a tabletop.