
Book and AV donations

Gently used book and audio-visual donations are accepted at the Library. Material that isn’t added to the Library’s circulating collection is saved for the Friends of the Cary Area Library (FOCAL) bi-annual book sales. Items that are not sold are donated to local area charities or are recycled, so nothing is wasted. Your donation is tax-deductible and we have forms available upon request at the time of your donation. Please note, we do not accept encyclopedias and reference sets, magazines, yearbooks, textbooks over 5 years old, VHS and cassette tapes.

Gift item(s) donation form

If you would like to donate money for an item or items to be purchased in memory of or in honor of someone, please fill out this form (it is a fillable pdf which you can fill out online and print or print and fill out by hand). Bring your completed form and check, payable to the Cary Area Public Library, to the Service Center during regular hours or mail them to us at 1606 Three Oaks Road, Cary, IL 60013. Bookplates with the honoree’s name are affixed to items if the item type allows. Additionally, we will send an acknowledgment letter to you and the honoree or their family.

Monetary donation form 

If you would like to donate money as planned giving, in memory of or in honor of someone, please print and fill out this form. Bring your completed form and check, payable to the Cary Area Public Library, to the Service Center during regular hours or mail them to us at 1606 Three Oaks Road, Cary, IL 60013.