For Readers & Book Clubs

Current Staff Picks

Lincoln In the Bardo by George Saunders
The Stranger Times by C. K. McDonnell
An Atlas of Extinct Countries by Gideon Defoe
Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life by Arnold Schwarzenegger
The Garden Apothecary by Becky Cole
Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero
Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro
Seed to Table by Luay Ghafari
My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows
Slow Productivity by Cal Newport
Rouge by Mona Awad
Nora Goes Off Script by Annabel Monaghan

Bestsellers Club

We’ll put the holds on so you don’t have to! CAPL cardholders are invited to fill out our form online or at the Library and be put on hold automatically for the most popular authors.


CAPL cardholders can request personal reading suggestions based on their preferences.

Digital Branch

We have thousands of titles available online to CAPL cardholders. Explore our ebook, eaudiobook, and comic/graphic novel options through our Digital Branch.

Submit a Patron Pick

We have a revolving display of titles recommended by other readers like you. Find it by the New Book Area.

Readers Resources

Need authoritative help finding series order or read alikes for a particular author or genre? Access Novelist with your CAPL card.

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Help for local book groups

Home Book Club Concierge
Our Adult Services Librarian can help you and your local book group by:

    • Procuring copies of the book from our library consortium with 10 days notice before they are needed (planning ahead 2-3 months is recommended for popular titles)
    • Suggesting possible discussion titles
    • Fill out our Home Book Club Concierge form to request assistance.

Instant Book Club Bags
Didn’t have time to contact our concierge? Everything you need for your book group in one convenient bag, including 12 copies of the book to distribute to your members and discussion questions. See the titles to choose from. The collection is located on the shelves in the corner by Study Room 3, so feel free to browse during your next visit.

BookBrowse features resources for book clubs including recommended reads by theme, reading guides, and online book club discussions. Have your CAPL card handy to gain complete access to the database.

Running an online book club? Or prefer ebooks and/or eaudiobooks? Hoopla is a digital collection with instant access (= no waitlists!). Users must have a CAPL card and will need to create a hoopla account upon the first login. Learn more about hoopla.