Seed Library

> View the 2025 Seed Library catalog 

> Place an order online or stop in to fill out a paper form at the Service Center

We’ll have a selection of fruit, vegetable, herb, and flower seeds available to CAPL cardholders for free. Beginning March 3 at 9 am you may place your seed order online or in person at the Service Center. You can choose up to 10 non-duplicate seed packets per household for the year. New for 2025: when filling in the order form, you’ll input the order number associated with the seed type you desire (far left column in the Seed Catalog).

Once you’ve placed your order, you’ll see a confirmation on the screen that your order has been submitted. We’ll pack your order and have it ready for you to pick up within four business days (and we’ll hold it for four more days for you).

On June 2, the order form will close and the Seed Library will be accessible in the Library for cardholders to choose from what is left. Again, please be mindful of sharing in the bounty of seed packets!

Sign up for our special Growers e-newsletter which will give you tips and seasonal best practices throughout the important stages of the growing season: planting, harvesting, and seed saving.

Seed Library FAQS

Q: Who can take seeds from the seed library?
A: CAPL cardholders only.

Q: How many seed packets can I take?
A: We have varying quantities of seeds for each variety. This year we’re introducing an ordering system. Each household is allowed 10 unique packets of seed (no duplicates). After June 2, cardholders will have an opportunity to choose from the remaining open stock.

Q: How do I “order” seeds?
A: Visit our Seed Catalog online either from home or our public computers. On the order form, beginning March 3 at 9 am, please select the (up to) 10 different types of seed by their associated order number. Please fill out the form with all of your requests of (up to) 10 packets at one time. We’re unable to handle smaller multiple requests per household. Your order will be ready in four business days. We will call you and hold your order for an additional four days. Please choose the Service Center or Drive-up Window for pick up and show your library card to a member of our staff. When you receive your order, we suggest you check it while you’re here, so we can answer any questions you may have or address possible errors. Any unclaimed seeds will be returned to the Seed Library and made available for new orders.

Q: Do I have to return/donate seeds to be able to take seeds?
A: We encourage and appreciate patrons taking the time to harvest and donate seeds! It’s not required, but if it’s something you’d like to try, we have books available that will walk you through harvesting and saving seeds from some of the easier annual plants. If you would like to make a donation, please fill out one of our donation forms (pdf) to submit with your seeds.

Q: What is the purpose of the Seed Library?
A: A seed library helps to promote biodiversity and sustainability. It also allows first-time gardeners access to free seeds and allows long-time gardeners to experiment with new varieties. This year we’ve tried to incorporate smaller varieties of some vegetables because we believe a garden shouldn’t be limited by size or land ownership and growing food should be accessible to everyone. If you’ve never planted seeds before, or if you were not able to access our Seed Library, we invite you to visit us again! 

Q: Where can I find more information about the type of plant I am growing?
A: There are links to outside websites associated with each seed type in the Seed Catalog (scroll to the right). You can find growing information on those sites. We highly recommend contacting the Illinois Master Gardener Help Desk if you have more specific questions.

Gardening resources

Seed saving tips

Conservation resources